
If you have spent anytime around here you will know that I believe in seasonal eating.  I know that this term is pretty popular now, but if you don't know what seasonal easting is, just think simple...think about how your grandparents or great-grandparents ate! 

In our society today we have a lot of access and are so use to instant gratification. But, "back in the day," you could not eat what you could not grow.  There was no importing avocados from Mexico on a daily basis, or getting fruits from China around the year.  So, we literally ate what was readily available to us, which, if you think about is not such an outlandish idea.  

Give it a thought.  If something is not growing near you during a certain time of year, and that certain produce is being shipped from overseas, how fresh is it really? You know, after all of that packing, shipping and travel. Nutrients can be depleted by simply dropping an orange on the ground and it rolling across the floor, so what do you think about those items that are  being transported many miles to make it to your local grocer?  When you eat in season you not only get the most bang for your nutritional buck, but you are providing yourself and family with the most nutrient dense foods you possibly can, and helping your local community!

Read the list below to find out what is in season for spring! The list featured gives you the foods that rotate in and out of season between late March and late May. Try to incorporate these fruits and vegetables into your diet this spring and see how your meals and health are upleveled!

Spring yourself into wellness and be surprised where you will be in two months from now! Click above for more information!

Spring yourself into wellness and be surprised where you will be in two months from now! Click above for more information!





Hey! Would you like to incorporate more spring vegetables into your diet, but need a little help on how to do so, or inspiration to create healthy meals? Let me know, I would love to help and as a certified health coach, that is exactly the kind of thing that I do!! Contact me here so we can get you eating healthy, tasty, seasonal foods!

To your health,